Ilaria CazzanigaFull-time violin making course Master/collaborator

Ilaria Cazzaniga is a violin maker graduated from the Civic School of Violin Making in Milan, with a specialization in bowed instruments restoration. At the same time she obtained a bachelor’s degree in Physics and a master’s degree in Conservation and Diagnostics for Cultural Heritage.

Working wood to give space to creativity and life to music is a great passion that has grown and matured with her. Her irrepressible curiosity took her on the path of scientific research, strictly correlated to the field of musical instruments.

She specializes in non-invasive diagnostics for the restoration of musical instruments. Moreover, she deepened the topic of surface cleanings processes and their monitoring in a project developed at the Arvedi Laboratory of non-Invasive Diagnostics of the University of Pavia, placed inside the Museo del Violino in Cremona.

Today she works as a violin maker in a workshop in Milan, sharing the working space with other young colleagues, and continues her collaboration with the workshop of Master Carlo Chiesa, started after few months of apprenticeship within the project “Una Scuola, un Lavoro – Percorsi d’Eccellenza” supported by Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri D’Arte.

From October 2020 she’s one of the Accademia di Liuteria Piemontese teacher of the full time violin making course.

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